{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "National Flood Watch catchment areas", "description": "
Flood Watch Catchments for Australia. Flood Watches for the areas delineated by these boundaries are issued by the Bureau of Meteorology when required. The areas referred to in Flood Watches have been defined and reviewed in partnership with key agencies in each state and territory to ensure they are locally relevant.<\/SPAN><\/P> The boundaries cover all catchments in Australia including catchments without flood forecasting systems and data networks. The service covers inland and desert areas without well-defined rivers and streams where flooding is predominantly overland flow.<\/SPAN><\/P> The catchments have been defined using the Geofabric toolset. As the catchments have been derived from a digital elevation model, the boundaries have jagged edges. See http://www.bom.gov.au/water/geofabric/index.shtml for more information.<\/SPAN><\/P>